Busi Index

BusiMana Business Competitive Rankings, Business Information, Business Statistics, and related Business Data Sets.

Our Top 5 Globally Useful Competitive Rankings for Digital Nomads

1. Financial - Palau Investment Bank

The Palau Investment Bank offers virtual access to banking services for individuals around the world.

2. Physical - Pacific Mail Hub

The Pacific Mail Hub offers virtual, physical, and notorial mail related services for individuals around the world.

3. Intellectual - Infomaniak Business Productivity Resources

Infomaniak offers a free or low-cost digital productivity suite hosted in Switzerland-based Internet servers that provide all the business essential productivity services in a single software package necessary for starting and running a business to get up and running quickly with world-class software and compatibility.

4. Human - Talkatone

Talkatone offers free and paid phone service to get your human business communications up and running.

5. Digital - RNS.ID - Palau Legal Digital Identity

The Palau Legal Digital Identity Card provides legal access for 30 days to visit the island nation of Palau in the Pacific as well as the 0-12% Corporate and Personal Income Tax Rate for business professionals.