Disclaimers & Privacy

Business Services Advertising

BusiMana, Inc. is a business services information and marketing service.

Limitation of Liability

While BusiMana, Inc. uses reasonable efforts to keep this website up-to-date, we do not guarantee that the information provided is accurate.

BusiMana, Inc. may provide links to other websites we believe visitors may find useful. However, we are not responsible for the contents of any third-party websites, and disclaim any liability from your visit and/or use of those websites.


Our hosting service may collect certain pieces of information about website visitors, such as how visitors linked to our site and where visitors are located.


This website and its contents are copyrighted by BusiMana, Inc., unless otherwise noted below or in conjunction with bring business services to market.

Images used with permission and not copyrighted by BusiMana, Inc. are as follows (credit does not mean endorsement):

  • Web-site Favicon: Photo [People, Business, Meeting, No. 1979261] by 089photoshootings on pixabay.
  • Main homepage featurette-image1: Photo [Social Media Connections Networking, No. 3846597] by GDJ on pixabay.